Kicktail longboards are relatively longer in size than skateboards, and they have a bent tail at the end, which makes it easy to move and perform tricks. In addition to the skateboard design, they also have soft and bigger wheels than traditional skateboards. This is the reason they are generally faster than other skateboards out there.
Longboarding is a modified form of skateboarding. It is almost the same activity, and the major difference is in the shape of the board and the unique ways both boards can be used.
Skateboarding is one of the most entertaining sports in the world. However, it is more than just a sport. It is a fun activity for people all over the globe. Like all other things in this world, skateboarding has also evolved a lot over the years. These days you can find a range of skateboards out there. They are available in different shapes, sizes, and designs.
We will explore the kicktail longboard in depth.
History of Kicktail Longboards
Most of the skateboarding tricks and maneuvers you see today would have been impossible had Larry Stevenson not invented the kicktail back in 1969. Born Richard Lawrence Stevenson, Larry did many things in life, from being a fighter mechanic to becoming a lifeguard. However, he rose to fame when he invented the kicktail.
He completely revolutionized skateboarding with this invention. He is also considered the person who made the first-ever high-quality skateboard. The invention of the kicktail also influenced many new skateboarding inventions like a bent nose and many others.
Ever since then, there have been many versions of the longboard.
Uses of Kicktail Longboards
A kicktail longboard is not for everyone. It is specifically designed to suit a few specific purposes. Here are the most important uses of a kicktail longboard:
- Making quick turns
- For freestyle tricks
- Anyone from a beginner to a pro can make use of it
- Helps dodge pedestrians when cruising
- Provides a more fun experience
These are the top few uses why people opt for a kicktail longboard. Keep in mind that this longboard will not add much to the downhill experience. If you need something that allows you to go on a steep downhill slope easily, this may not be the ideal longboard for you.
Of course, it is the perfect longboard for when you want to change your riding directions quickly and make frequent turns. It also helps avoid collisions if there are slow pedestrians on the road and you are just cruising. Lastly, you can lift one end of the board off the ground and do various tricks.
If you want something fun and exciting to learn new tricks, then a kicktail longboard will be the ideal choice for you.
Pros of Kicktail Longboards
Here are some pros of this board that will help you make an informed decision:
If you are looking for a freestyle board that allows you to Ollie and do all kinds of tricks, then a kicktail longboard is perfect. It will help you practice your tricks, and you will learn many new ones. The best part is that you can practice all kinds of moves from beginner to advanced on a kicktail longboard.
Many people in the city use longboards to commute because it helps them to reach a place quicker. That is because the maneuverability of the kicktail is terrific. You can easily control the board and avoid pedestrians.
Besides that, the board is incredibly stable too. You will not face any problems while commuting because you will have complete control over the board. If you live in a city and you need an easy method of commuting, a kicktail longboard may be the right choice for you.
There are many varieties, styles, and prices that a kicktail longboard comes in. So, you can purchase an amazing affordable kicktail without putting a dent in your pocket. The best part is that you will be using it for many years so your money will be well spent.
Cons of Kicktail Longboards
Now that you know all the great things about this longboard, here are some cons:
Not Great for Downhill Cruising
While you can use this longboard on an upward slope, it will not give you the same value going downhill. So, if you love practicing on a downhill slope, the kicktail longboard may not be the ideal choice for you.
While the board does not create a hindrance going downhill, it does not add value to the experience. If you want something that enhances your experience of going downhill, maybe look for a pintail longboard. What is a pintail longboard?
That is the only con of the kicktail longboard because it is a fantastic board that provides functionality and versatility to the user. You can carry it and ride it anywhere as it is perfect for all terrains.
Beginner Tips for the Perfect Kicktail Longboard Experience
After reading all this information, if you have made up your mind to purchase the kicktail longboard, you need to know a few things. Here are some beginner tips that will enhance your experience and make your rides much better:
Find the Perfect Stance
Everyone has a riding stance. Some people put their left foot forward, and some people put their right foot forward. You will need to figure out which stance comes more naturally to you.
The best way to do this is by standing on the ground and asking someone to push you. The foot that you put forward during the push is the one that will keep you from falling off the board. So, that will be your stance.
Finding this is crucial because while you are on the board, you will need stability and control. If your feet don’t allow you to control the board, then you will face difficulties. In short, you have to put your best foot forward for the perfect stance.
Find Your Balance
Before you even set foot on your longboard for cruising, you should practice your balance. It is one of the most important things while using a board because it will shape your experience. That is why you need to practice this while the board is static.
Place your kicktail longboard on an area where it will not roll, such as a thick carpet or grass. After that, step on your longboard and come into your stance. Keep in mind that your feet should be at least shoulder-width apart.
Once you come in your stance, bend your knees slightly and lean forward just a little so you can achieve stability. You should be able to balance like this for a while without falling. The standing experience should be comfortable without you have to put any foot outside the board.
Practice Turning Stance
Practicing your turning stance is just as important as practicing the normal standing stance. That is because you need to learn how to use your body weight to turn the kicktail longboard towards the side. Keep your board on the carpet and grass again to practice this stance.
Roll back and forth on your kicktail longboard using your ankles so that the deck leans on each edge. That is how you will practice turning whenever you are riding on the longboard. After that, lock your ankles in one place and shift your body weight so that the deck leans.
For this, you will have to shift your body weight forwards using your toes and then backward using your heels. Keep practicing this consistently, and once you feel like you have gotten used to it, you can take your kicktail longboard outside to practice while riding.
Practice the Push and Brake Stance
Do you know what the most important skill is when learning how to ride a kicktail longboard? It includes staying balanced on one leg while your other leg performs the braking and pushing. It will help you stabilize and maneuver the board much more easily.
To do this, you need to keep your longboard on a thick carpet or grass. After that, stand on the longboard and rotate your front foot. Doing so will point your toes forward. While doing this, you need to turn your hips and shoulders face forward too.
Simultaneously, it would help if you lifted your back foot off the deck to balance your front leg. Doing so will help you stabilize. After that, shift your bodyweight towards your front leg while bending your front knee so that your back foot is lowered towards the ground without you trying to move your hips.
Use your back foot to touch the ground while you squat your front leg. Gradually, bring your foot back on the deck in the position before and return to your original stance.
Practicing this may be challenging at first because you have to do many things at once. If you do it consistently, it will become much easier for you to push and brake on your kicktail longboard.
Begin Riding
While practicing your stances is a must, it is also just as essential to start practicing outside. Once you have gotten comfortable with all the steps mentioned above, it is time to bring your kicktail longboard out.
Remember that you should start your practice on a small slope that doesn’t cross any street.
The slope can end uphill or flat, but it needs to be small. Wear protective gear such as a helmet and gloves and start riding. You can even wear elbow pads for some extra protection, so you don’t scrape them if you fall.
Wear sports shoes and choose a slope that is not too steep. That way, you can run off your board any time if you feel like you can’t handle it. Choosing a steep slope will not allow you to do this. So, once you have the perfect location, you can start riding in no time.
That was your beginner’s guide to start riding with a kicktail longboard. You can choose a perfect board for your weight and height so that you can begin riding. Once you do, the longboard will allow you to do many tricks, and you will have a fun experience.
Of course, you should start with all the beginner stances first and then make your way towards all the tricks. When you do, you will enjoy the experience fully.
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